Out of 0 Ratings

Owner's of the Onkyo Stereo Receiver AV Receiver gave it a score of 0 out of 5. Here's how the scores stacked up:
  • Reliability

    0 out of 5
  • Durability

    0 out of 5
  • Maintenance

    0 out of 5
  • Performance

    0 out of 5
  • Ease of Use

    0 out of 5
of 168
Remote Control Codes
Technosonic 10556, 10625, 10499,
Techvision 11709
Techwood 11037, 11667
Tecnimagen 10556
Teco 10178, 10653
Tedelex 10208, 11709
Teknika 10150
TELE System 11585
Telecor 10037
Telefunken 10037, 10625, 10714,
10560, 10698, 11585,
Telefusion 10037
Telegazi 10037
Telemeister 10037
Telesonic 10037
Telestar 10556, 10037
Teletech 10037, 10668, 11037
Teleview 10037
Tennessee 10037
Tensai 10037, 11037, 10715
Tesla 10556, 10037, 10714,
11037, 11652
Tevion 10556, 10037, 10714,
10668, 11037, 11248,
11585, 11667
Thomson 10037, 10625, 10560
Thorn 10037, 10499, 10512
Thorn-Ferguson 10499
TMK 10178
Tokai 10037, 10668, 11037
Tokaido 11037
Topline 10668, 11037
Toshiba 10195, 11037, 10618,
10650, 10508, 11169,
11508, 11524, 11652,
Toyoda 11709
TRANS-continents 10556, 10037, 10668,
Transonic 10037, 10698, 10512,
Triad 10556
Trio 11248
Triumph 10556, 10037
TVTEXT 95 10556
Uher 10037
Ultravox 10037
UMC 11614, 11775
Unic Line 10037
Uniden 12122
United 10556, 10037, 10714,
11037, 10715, 11652
Unitek 11709
Universal 10037, 10714
Universum 10037, 10668, 10195,
11037, 10618, 10512
Univox 10037
V7 Videoseven 11666, 11755
Vestel 10037, 10668, 11037,
11585, 11667
Vexa 10037
Victor 10650, 10653, 11428
Videocon 10037, 10508
VideoSystem 10037
Vidtech 10178
Viewsonic 11365, 11564, 11755,
Vision 10037
Vistron 11363
Vivax 11709
Vizio 11758, 12209
Vortec 10037
Voxson 10178, 10037
VU 11365, 12098
Walker 11667
Waltham 10037, 10668, 11037
Wansa 12098
Wards 10178
Watson 10037, 10714, 10668,
Wega 10037
Welltech 10714, 11652
Weltstar 11037
Westinghouse 11755
Wharfedale 10556, 10037, 11324,
White Westinghouse 10037
Wilson 10556
Windsor 10668, 11037
Windy Sam 10556
Wintel 10714
World-of-Vision 12001
Wyse 11365
Xenius 10634
Xiahua 10698
XLogic 10698
Xrypton 10037
Yamaha 10650, 11576
Yamishi 10037
Yokan 10037
Yoko 10037
YU-MA-TU 10037
Zenith 10178, 10037, 11365,
11423, 12358
Zepto 11585
Zonda 10698
DirecTV 20739
Go Video 20614
Humax 20739
Panasonic 20614, 20616
Philips 20739
ReplayTV 20614, 20616
Sonic Blue 20614, 20616
Sony 20636
TiVo 20636, 20739
DirecTV 20739
Go Video 20614
Humax 20739
Panasonic 20614, 20616
Philips 20739
ReplayTV 20614, 20616
Sonic Blue 20614, 20616
Sony 20636
TiVo 20636, 20739
TV/VCR Combination
Amstrad 10171
Ferguson 10625
Fidelity 10171
GoldStar 10037
Grundig 10556, 10037, 10195
LG 10178
Mitsubishi 10556
Philips 10556, 10037
Radiola 10556
Saba 10625
Sanyo 11974
Schneider 10556, 10037
Sharp 10818
Siemens 10037
Sony 11505
Teac 10178, 10171